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Bando di concorso 39° ciclo
Admission to Ph.D. programme, 39th cycle


Tipologia di procedura selezionata: PROCEDURA UNICA

Descrizione del dottorato

descrizione:Il corso di dottorato in “Law & Social Change: The Challenges of Transnational Regulation” si svolge in convenzione con altre università europee. Esso ha come lingua principale l’inglese e prevede un’attività didattica e di ricerca presso le sedi convenzionate. Esso si propone l'obiettivo di approfondire le molte questioni giuridiche attinenti alla crisi della sovranità statuale, alla disarticolazione del sistema tradizionale delle fonti del diritto, nonché alla regolazione dei fenomeni e dei rapporti a carattere eminentemente transfrontaliero. Saranno considerate prioritarie le linee tematiche indicate nel bando.
title:Law and social change: the challenges of transnational regulation
description:The PhD program has an international character and is established on the basis of agreement among various European universities. The primary working language will be English; the learning and teaching activities of the Program will take place in the several partner institutions. The aim of the program is to deepen the legal questions related to the crisis of state sovereignty, to the disruption of the traditional system of sources of law, as well as to the regulation of legal relationships and phenomena having transnational character. The research topics specified in this call will be regarded as particularly important.

Procedure attivate procedures


Tematiche definite per il dottorato

- Pubblica amministrazione e trasformazione digitale
La trasformazione digitale della pubblica amministrazione è considerata un’assoluta priorità, tanto da costituire uno degli assi strategici del Piano Nazionale di Ripresa e Resilienza – PNRR. È evidente l’esigenza di implementare le già esistenti soluzioni tecnologiche e di elaborarne di nuove, al fine di realizzare una concreta trasformazione digitale dell’apparato amministrativo. Si intende dunque superare la mera “transizione” delle attuali procedure in formato digitale e raggiungere una profonda riorganizzazione delle strutture e una altrettanto radicale reingegnerizzazione delle procedure, dei prodotti e dei servizi.
- Public administration and the digital trasformation
The digital transformation of public administration is a top priority both at the internal and at the European level, so much so that it is one of the strategic axes of the National Recovery and Resilience Plan (PNRR). There is a clear need to implement existing technological solutions and to develop new ones in order to achieve an effective digital transformation of the administrative apparatus. Policies, rules, and technical solutions are needed in order to go beyond the mere "transition" of current procedures to digital format, and achieve a profound reorganization of administrative structures, as well as a radical reengineering of procedures, products and services.

- La decisione amministrativa algoritmica
Il panorama amministrativo attuale è ormai dominato da sistemi automatizzati e algoritmi intelligenti, che ricoprono un ruolo di protagonisti attivi nei processi decisionali della pubblica amministrazione. La rivoluzione digitale che sta coinvolgendo la pubblica amministrazione incide sulle modalità di esercizio del potere e sullo svolgimento delle attività della stessa, investendo gli istituti tradizionali del diritto amministrativo e del procedimento. È dunque inevitabile interrogarsi sulla capacità dei principi e degli strumenti che governano l’azione amministrativa di rispondere alle sfide della trasformazione digitale in atto.
- Algorithmic decision-making in administrative law
The landscape of contemporary public adimistrations is now dominated by automated systems and intelligent algorithms, which play an active role in the decision-making processes of public administration. The digital revolution that is involving public administration affects the ways in which power is exercised and its activities are carried out, affecting the traditional institutions of administrative law and procedure. It is therefore inevitable to question the ability of the principles and tools that govern administrative action to meet the challenges of the ongoing digital transformation.

- Fondazione Arangio Ruiz
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- Possible topics
The PhD course in “Law and Social Change” considers applications from candidates that are willing to undertake a high-level research on any topic related to the several challenges that the law faces in the contemporary world – preferably, but not exclusively, with a view to the transnational dimension of such challenges and of the legal strategies that are necessary to face them. There is in principle no restriction as to the disciplinary fields or methodological approaches for the proposed doctoral research – in fact, the PhD course in “Law and Social Change” aims at establishing a diverse, multi-disciplinary and inter-disciplinary research environment. The following is a tentative, non-exhaustive list of research topics that are suitable to be developed in the context of the PhD course in “Law and Social Change”: - Transnational legal theory and interlegality - Legal pluralism and fundamental rights - European constitutional pluralism - Artificial Intelligence and Fundamental Rights - Transnational judicial dialogue and the use of comparative and foreign law in courts - Global constitutionalism, the internationalization of constitutional law, the constitutionalization of international law - Transnational law and comparative legal history - Local revolutions and Global Legal Change: Historical and Theoretical Perspectives - Transnational Digital Platforms: Public and Private Law Issues - Transnational IP law - Global administrative law - Reducing the Impact of Climate Change: International and European Regulatory Strategies - Transnational Environmental Law - International and European protection of social rights in a time of global crises - Global Health Law and the Post-Pandemic - Human rights, migrations, multiculturalism - Digital transformation: regulatory issues - Economic Crises and Global Regulation - Transnational data sharing for scientific purposes - Algorithmic decision-making and the law - Corporate Prosecution and Compliance Programs: transnational perspectives - Corporate social responsibility and human rights - On-line dispute resolution in cross-border litigation - Representative actions and collective interests - Global crises and contractual governance - Artificial intelligence and criminal law - Criminal law and transnational crime

- indicare il titolo
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Procedura concorsuale

Valutazione titoli The preliminary evaluation of the candidates will be based on the following: a) Grades of Bachelor and Master’s degree ; b) CV including professional and academic history; c) Publications, IF ANY; d) Original research project written in English, of maximum 14,000 characters, spaces included, bibliography included, related to the doctoral dissertation that the applicant wishes to carry out during the JDP and preferentially coherent with one of the lines of research of the Program; e) 2 Letters of reference (either to be included in the application or sent directly by the referee to the secretary of the Program, Mr. Stefano Passera, at the email address:
Prova orale A limited number of students will be admitted to the oral interview (to be held either in presence or on one of the main digital platforms, such as Microsoft Teams, Zoom, etc.). This will be aimed at providing a final assessment of candidates' knowledge and qualifications (study results), as well as of the scientific potential of candidates' research project (aptitude for academic research)

Recapiti e ulteriori informazioni (validi per il dottorato e per tutti gli eventuali curricola)

Informazioni e recapiti For any information and for the confidential transmission by referees of reference letters please contact Dr. Stefano Passera:; tel. +39.06.57334060
Eventuali ulteriori informazioni ALL APPLICATIONS for the Doctoral Program SHOULD INCLUDE: a) Bachelor’s degree certificate with the final grade and exact name of the degree, supported by a certificate with a full list of the exams taken, grades awarded and the academic grading scale (academic transcript / transcript of records); b) Master’s degree certificate with the final grade and exact name of the degree, supported by a certificate with a full list of the exams taken, grades awarded and the academic grading scale (academic transcript / transcript of records); CV including professional and academic history; c) Publications, if any; d) Diploma Supplement (if applicable, it will not be subjected to evaluation); e) Original research project written in English, of maximum 14,000 characters, spaces included, bibliography included, related to the doctoral dissertation that the applicant wishes to carry out during the JDP and preferentially coherent with one of the thematic lines of research of the Program; f) 2 Letters of reference (either to be included in the application or sent directly by the candidate or by the referee to the secretary of the Program, Mr. Stefano Passera, at the email address:

Curriculum studiorum

data e voto di laurea (obbligatorio)
elenco degli esami sostenuti per la laurea MAGISTRALE e relative votazioni (obbligatorio)
elenco degli esami sostenuti per la laurea TRIENNALE e relative votazioni
elenco cronologico di Borse di studio, Assegni di ricerca (et similia) percepiti
Diplomi/certificati di conoscenza lingue estere
Diplomi/attestati di partecipazione di corsi universitari post-lauream
Attestati di partecipazione a gruppi di ricerca
Attestati di partecipazione a stage
Altri riconoscimenti (p. es.: premiazione in concorsi, seconda laurea)

Ulteriore documentazione richiesta ai candidati

progetto di ricerca Obbligatorio
prima lettera di presentazione (a cura di un docente) Obbligatorio
seconda lettera di presentazione (a cura di un docente) Obbligatorio
elenco delle pubblicazioni Non obbligatorio
pubblicazioni (un pdf per ciascuna) Non obbligatorio
descrizione delle precedenti esperienze di ricerca Non obbligatorio

Competenza linguistica richiesta ai candidati

Il candidato dovrà obbligatoriamente conoscere le seguenti lingue:
e dovrà obbligatoriamente conoscere una lingua a scelta tra

Roma, 25 maggio 2023

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